The Adventure of Khan
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Khan. He like to adventure and he accepted challenges.
One day, Khan saw a key on the floor. The key was shining. It was a Maggie key, but Kahn didn’t know it.
He picked up the key and used it for guidance light. The key let him to a castle.
Khan used the key to open the door. He saw three witches having a party.
Khan hid behind the pillar. The witches didn’t see Khan.
Khan thought about how to catch the witches. He planned to attract them and used a net and a rope to catch them.
Khan said, “Where can I find a net and a rope?” He looked around the room and found a net and a rope.
He was lucky to find a net and a rope. He needed them to make a trap.
First, he tied the rope on the pillar.
Net, he put the net next to the rope.
Then, he ran out and shouted, “Hey, witches! Come and get me!” The three witches replied, “Who are you?” They got angry and cased Khan.
Khan Jumped over the trap, but the three witches didn’t. They were stumbled by the rope and they fell into the net.
At the same time, he saw a magic book. He looked into the magic book and he read how to turn the witches into frogs.
“Log, log, turn them frogs!” said Khan. Poof! The three witches was turned into three frogs.
Hurray! Khan made it. When he was finished the magic light was shining again.
It took him back home. “IT was a cool adventure!” said Khan.
The End.
學生姓名:Sunny Y.S. Hsieh (謝雨珊)
指導老師: Ines (余穎菁)