
☆故事小書比賽 優等作品 ☆東勢分校,Dylan 石宇閎

The magic sword
A long time ago, there was a graveyard and a magic sword which was hidden in it. The magic sword was taken care by a two-headed dragon which can shoot fire balls. The magic sword could make one’s of dream come true.
Many people tried to get it, bur they couldn’t beat the dragon. They didn’t even come back because they were eaten by the dragon.
A witch named Jessie had dark magic, but she wanted to be more powerful. She knew about the magic sword that was taken care by the two-headed dragon.
She wanted to get it, but she only had a spear. She thought her dark magic is still not good enough.
She went to many different mountains. Finally, she found a devil that could help her. It said ”I can make a deal with you. I can give you whatever you want as long as you give me your soul.” Jessie promised him she would do it.
Jessie went to the graveyard, the two-headed dragon came out. She hide behind a tree to see what the dragon is doing.
The dragon saw her and shot the flames to her.
Jessie got scared and quickly hide in the other three. She picked up a stone and threw it to the dragon’s eye.
It started bleeding, but after ten seconds. It grew back, but the dragon move a little bit slower.
Jessie threw her spear to the dragon’s heart, then the dragon lie on the floor and died.
The dragon’s body became the magic sword.
Jessie took it and wish that the whole world would become dark and controlled by her.

學生姓名:Dylan Y.H. Shi (石宇閎)
指導老師: Jay (鄧駿傑)



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