故事創作總評 : 同學們都有極豐富的想像力,透過創作小書傳遞歷史、地理、傳統、神話等知識;內容變化多,故事的鋪陳也很創新,可惜大多數結尾都太過簡單,沒有呼應主題,相當可惜。 大部份的同學都有原創的概念,但部份同學採用著名作品的圖像,如 : 小王子,恐有侵權的問題。 絶大部份的作品美侖美奐,足見同學們對於藝術創作的投入與用心,但是要注意圖文是否一致。 在文法的運用上如用字、標點符號、時態的一致性都要特別注意。 有些篇幅過短,有論述環保的,有的只是將古典著作重新闡述一遍,如 : 孫悟空、桃太郎等,這些都不算創作。
My Parent’s Job My father and mother are chefs. They open a restaurant in Shinshe. They sell deep fried duck’s heads and necks, stinky tofu, rice, noodles and soup. Every morning, they need to prepare the ingredients. They drive to a market in Dongshih to get the ingredients and bring them back to the restaurant. When they go back to the restaurant, they need to clean the food first. Then, they put the food in the pails. Third, they cook them in the pots. Then, they are ready. The restaurant open hours is from 3:30PM to 10:00PM. But actually that means you can’t order food after 10PM, but if you order the food before 10PM, you can still continue eating. When customers come, my father and my mother will cook together. There have 3 employees working in the restaurant and they are very busy. The employees will take the food to the customers and do the dishes. The finish everything at 11:00PM sometimes 12PM. Because some customers eat slowly. The restaurant has opened for ...